This whole display took six weeks to create and over fifty-five tonnes of pebbles and stones where moved by hand.
This base guitar above was part of a rock band I created. The picture below shows how big it was even though this was only part of the display.
Most of these photos where taken by professional photographer Chris Taylor.
Thank you Chris.
The stones above in this picture hanging down are known as hag stones or lucky stones.
In the seventeenth century it was said that in England the stone with the natural hole in it was hung up on a stable door so the devil would not come and ride horse at night.
In otherwards they warned of evil spirits.
Now look at me, I found one in Brighton and started creating magic which ge so many young boys and girls hope and inspired them to create art around me.
Here is a good photo of me with my drummer and keyboard artist.
Look at the detail in this keyboard artist.
What a wicked natural stone for his head which is known as a key stone.
Here's a close up of the drummer.
Now this is my lead singer.
Check out part 2 for the rest of this display which includes a twenty foot round crab three foot high.
Yes and lobstar which is thirty-five foot long, twenty foot wide and a massive four foot high.
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