Thursday, 29 December 2011

Brighton 2008 pebble mosiacs and sculptures (part 1)

Photo taken during big pebble mosiac masterpiece which included the first ever loose pebble sculpture of a bird.

Me keeping myself clean due to dreating pebble art on Brightons beach.

Display coming on well and was being filmed by the winner of the friends of the earth competition 2007. She entered our film into the 2008 competition.

The fumes of smoke being filled in.

Spiral design which took everyone by supprise.

Now everyone can say Brighton rocks with this base guitar.

The base guitar again.



The rampant rabbit hot air balloon.

The cool sun wearing sunglases.

The first ever sculpturised bird.

Sculpturised bird two days latter after the weather took its tole.

This did say STOP CHOKING US but got messed up with dogs running over it before I could get a good photo.

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